Meet us at IE expo 2022 – presented by IFAT

November 2022 I The IE expo China 2022 (presented by IFAT) is Asia’s leading environmental fair and offers an effective business and networking platform for Chinese and international professionals in the environmental sector and is accompanied by first-class technical-scientific conference program.

Meet us at IE expo 2022 - presented by IFAT

Our s::can Team China is looking forward to meet you in Shenzhen and present you some of our water quality solutions. Visit us at our booth A15 in Hall E5 at the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center.

At site we will present you our pipe::scan and our micro::station as well as some gas detection solutions from ATi.

When? November 15th to 17th 2022
Where? Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center

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We are looking forward meeting you in Shenzhen!